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E-Mail Your Prayer Requests!

Founded in 1827

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Mass Intentions

For The Week of

November 23, 2008

Mon  24th 8:00 a.m. Walther Family
Tue. 25th 8:00 a.m. Gert House
Wed. 26th 8:00 a.m. Marjorie Schneider
Thu. 27th 8:00 a.m. Tom Scothorn
Fri. 28th 8:00 a.m. Deacon Ron Kreft
Sat. 29th 5:00 p.m. Jane Willey
Sun. 30th 7:00 a.m. Pro Populo
(SA) 8:30 a.m. Edith and Medford Filer
10:00a.m. Dr. Ted Mueller


SAT. MASS: NOV. 29th 5:00 P.M.

Lector-----------------------Mark Byington
Sp. Min. -------------------G. Valleck, H. Gamblin
Servers---------------------A. Lando, M. Momot
Ushers----------------------H. Beasley, M. Saunders, J. Momot, F. Sewald
Cross bearer----------------Rory Basden

SUNDAY MASS: NOV. 30th 7:00 A.M.

Lector----------------------- Patti Vessell
Sp. Min. --------------------M. Aubuchon, A. McKenna
Servers---------------------- J. Pace, T. Pace
Ushers---------------------- P. Pace, R. Dodson F. Schnable, C. Pace
Cross bearer----------------Peter Pace

SUNDAY MASS: NOV. 30th  10:00 A.M.

Lector---------------------- Becky O’Neill
Sp. Min.-------------------- M. Mueller, J. Keller, S. Reiter
Servers---------------------A. & A. Willette
Ushers----------------------J. Krus, R. Seal
G. Inman, R. Hambrick
Cross bearer---------------Jackie Greer

ST. ANNE MASS: NOV. 30th  8:30 A.M.

Lector---------------------- Dave Brickler
Sp. Min. -------------------R. Basler, E. Loveless
Servers--------------------- C. Govero, E. Govero
Gift Bearers---------------M/M Wm. Frangel Cross bearer--------------- Nate Govero 

Marriage Encounter Weekend

Give thanks for your good marriage- and take steps to make it even better! Attend a Marriage Encounter Weekend on December 5-7, February 6-8, or April 24-26. Get more information by calling 314-496-7317 or at

Prolife Trip

Vincentiam Marian Youth Sponsored Event Prolife Trip: National March for Life- Washington, DC, trip is scheduled from Tuesday evening the 20th of January to the evening of Sunday the 25th. Fliers and registrations forms are available from the VMY office at 573-547-3300, our website at or call Cathy at 573-517-2212. Sign ups are due by December 20th, 2008. The cost will be $200. This is an awesome event—come join us!

Masses for Thanksgiving

St. Joseph’s Thanksgiving Mass will be at 8:00 am

St. Anne’s Thanksgiving Mass will be at 9:30 am

Tables will be set up in the back of church for donation food items.

           ST. JOSEPH-ST. ANNE
Envelopes $4,452.00 $1,045.00
Loose 227.00 20.00
Children 6.00 -0-
St. Vincent 143.00 75.00
Building 57.00 15.00
School 135.00 -0-
Adopt An Angel 8.00 10.00
Votive 53.00 -0-
Purgatorial Society 5.00 -0-
Thanksgiving 10.00 -0-
Retired Religious 45.00 12.00
Human Development 10.00 -0-


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Nov. 24th : Team 2
Nov. 28th : Mary Clancy (week 2)


St. Anne Parish

It’s coming upon us quickly! St. Anne will be having a Christmas party on Sunday, December 7, 2008 at 4:00 pm. We will enjoy a lovely dinner and have games for all ages. There will be a sign up sheet in the back of church for the families that can attend. We are asking each family to bring a cover side dish of your choice or dessert. We hope to see you and your family there! It will be a delightful way to spend the holiday with your church family. If you have any questions please call Kristina Black at St. Joseph’s rectory at 358-2112.

There will be will a meeting today, November 23rd for ALL servers. Please meet by the organ in the front of church, this includes the servers for 2009 as well, Thank you.

Holy Land

Father John will be visiting the Holy Land as part of his 40th anniversary celebration. You are invited to join him. We will leave on April 2, 2009 and return on April 13, 2009. We will visit the sites that the Bible speaks of on Holy Week.

The cost is $3,600 per person, it is more than usual but there is a $500 surtax and everything is more expensive than usual. If you are interested please call the rectory at 358-2112. We need twenty people to make this pilgrimage possible. The next meeting is December 7th at noon.

To the members of
St. Joseph

Your generosity overwhelms me. Thank you to each one that contributed so many items to the new children’s craft area at the Parish picnic. We were able to offer many children a variety of fun crafts due to you. Please remember as the year passes that the one item that we really could use a lot of is small jars. These were used for sand art and the children loved them but we ran out of jars very early. If you have baby food jars, or spice jars or small decorative jars of which you are tiring or any kind of small clear container please keep the craft area in your thoughts. We will be happy to accept them all year.

With warmest regards,

Patricia Murphy

Liturgical Changes

I recently received a communication from the chancery concerning the bishops’ changes to our liturgical wording. In the next few weeks I will publish the suggested changes one at a time. We’ll ease into this as gently as possible. It is what is being asked of us and as your pastor I encourage you to comply.

Number 4:

In the preferred form of the penitential rite, the faithful will acknowledge that they have sinned "through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault."

Our Lady of Sodality

Ladies our meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 18, 2008 at noon in the basement, please bring your lunch.

December 6th and 7th will be our Christmas cookie and Craft sale, on the Saturday December 6th we will be starting at 3:30pm till 6:00pm and Sunday December 7th it will begin after the masses.

December 16th will be our annual Christmas party at Mario’s at noon. Please bring a $5.00 gift if you care to exchange.

Daughters of Isabella

A big "Thank You" to all our hard-working members and our patrons who made our November 1st rummage sale such a success! Thanks to our members and all the other women of the parish who joined us at our soup and salad dinner and open meeting. We had such a good time making new friends and visiting with old ones. Don’t forget our Christmas party is Monday December 8th at 6 PM. Cost of dinner is $9.00.

Please call Claudine at 358-7516 by December 1st for your reservations you may bring a friend or spouse. Members- please bring a wrapped $5.00 attendance prize and cookies for our home bound members. If you wish to participate in the gift exchange, bring a wrapped $5.00 gift.

Wedding Announcement

Sandra Rainboldt and Jim Boyd will be exchanging wedding vows on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday November 27, 2008. We wish the happy couple many wonderful years together.

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Bingo figures from November 13, 2008
Gross Receipts -$785.40 Players –88
Bingo will not be held on November 27th. Have a wonderful and safe
Thanksgiving holiday.

E-Mail Your Prayer Requests!

Mail your Church Donations to this adresss or call!

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