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E-Mail Your Prayer Requests!

Founded in 1827

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Mass Intentions
For The Week of
November 16, 2008

Mon. 17th 8:00 a.m. Herb Schwarz
Tue. 18th 8:00 a.m. Lorraine Kaufmann
Wed. 19th 8:00 a.m. Leonard Stegall
Thu. 20th 8:00 a.m. Marjorie Schneider
Fri. 21st 8:00 a.m. Loretta Politte
Sat. 22nd 5:00 p.m. Bernard Vallo
June Sullivan
Sun. 23rd 7:00 a.m. Pro Populo
(SA) 8:30 a.m. Millie Harris
10:00a.m. Adam House


SAT. MASS: NOV. 22nd  5:00 P.M.

Lector-----------------------Mark Byington
Sp. Min. -------------------M. & G. Ferraro
Servers---------------------A. Chand, M. Momot
Ushers----------------------H. Beasley, M. Saunders, J. Momot, F. Sewald
Cross bearer----------------Rory Basden

SUNDAY MASS: NOV. 23rd  7:00 A.M.

Lector----------------------- Patti Vessell
Sp. Min. --------------------C. Dodson, D. Schnable
Servers---------------------- D. Pace, T. Pace
Ushers---------------------- P. Pace, R. Dodson F. Schnable, C. Pace
Cross bearer----------------Peter Pace

SUNDAY MASS: NOV. 23rd  10:00 A.M.

Lector---------------------- Becky O’Neill
Sp. Min.-------------------- S. Sieve, C. Inman,
S. House
Servers---------------------A. & B. Willette
Ushers----------------------J. Krus, R. Seal
G. Inman, R. Hambrick
Cross bearer---------------Jackie Greer

ST. ANNE MASS: NOV. 23rd  8:30 A.M.

Lector---------------------- Dave Brickler
Sp. Min. -------------------R. Basler, E. Loveless
Servers--------------------- C. Govero, E. Govero
Gift Bearers---------------M/M John House
Cross bearer--------------- Nate Govero

Life Rocks!

"Our Lady’s Inn Emergency Shelter for Homeless, Pregnant Women and Their Children, will be hosting their "LIFE ROCKS!" dinner and auction, Sunday, November 16, 2008 at The Columns Banquet Hall in St. Charles, Missouri, 5:30 pm. Reception at 6:30 pm. Dinner is $75.00 per person. Auction features Artist-painted rocking chairs. For more information please call 314-351-4590.

Marriage Encounter Weekend

How would you like to spend a weekend away with your spouse before the holiday rush- just the two of you? Attend a Marriage Encounter Weekend on December 5-7, and you’ll be glad you did! Go to or call 314-496-7317 for reservations.

Please remember to support our local advertisers without them this bulletin wouldn’t be possible, Thank you.


           ST. JOSEPH-ST. ANNE
Envelopes $4,653.00 $1,005.00
Loose 422.00 43.00
Children 6.00 -0-
St. Vincent 441.00 135.00
Building 75.00 10.00
Cemetery 5.00 10.00
School 174.00 -0-
Adopt An Angel 11.00 -0-
Votive 47.40 -0-
All Saints -0- 10.00
Purgatorial Society 26.00 -0-
Thanksgiving 25.00 -0-
Mission Sunday 5.00 -0-
Retired Religious 101.00 60.00
Human Development 10.00 -0-


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Nov. 17th:Team 1
Nov. 21st: Mary Clancy (week 1)


St. Anne Parish

St. Anne will be having a Christmas party on Sunday, December 7, 2008 at 4:00 pm. We will enjoy a lovely dinner and have games for all ages. There will be a sign up sheet in the back of church for the families that can attend. We are asking each family to bring a cover side dish of your choice or dessert. We hope to see you and your family there! It will be a delightful way to spend the holiday with your church family. If you have any questions please call Kristina Black at St. Joseph’s rectory at 358-2112.

Study Group

Would you like to join a study group, to study the scriptures? Starting on Monday, November 24th after 8:00 mass, we will begin studying Father Lukafur’s book on the new testament. We will be meeting in the church proper. Please call the rectory at 358-2112 to make a reservation or just show up Monday morning.

Rise to the Knead

Join the Harvester Knights of Columbus on December 13th at the Pezold Banquet Center in Cottleville, 5701 Hwy "N" at 4:00 pm for a night of spiritual and culinary enjoyment. Father Dominic Garromone of the TV show "Breaking Bread with Father Dominic" is assisting us with the fundraiser. The program begins with an evening Mass followed by dinner, a baking demonstration by Father Dominic and book signing. Soups, salad and a plethora of breads are the fair for the evening. A $40.00 donation per person with proceeds to benefit the Harvester K of C charities is requested. Call 636-928-9144 for tickets and information.

Our Lady of Sodality

Our next meeting will be November 18, 2008 at noon in the basement, please bring your lunch.

December 6th and 7th will be our Christmas cookie and Craft sale, on the Saturday December 6th we will be starting at 3:30pm till 6:00pm and Sunday December 7th it will begin after the masses. December 16th will be our annual Christmas party at Mario’s at noon. Please bring a $5.00 gift if you care to exchange.

Liturgical Changes

I recently received a communication from the chancery concerning the bishops’ changes to our liturgical wording. In the next few weeks I will publish the suggested changes one at a time. We’ll ease into this as gently as possible. It is what is being asked of us and as your pastor I encourage you to comply.

Number 4:

In the preferred form of the penitential rite, the faithful will acknowledge that they have sinned "through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault."

Holy Land

Father John will be visiting the Holy Land as part of his 40th anniversary celebration. You are invited to join him. We will leave on April 2, 2009 and return on April 13, 2009. We will visit the sites that the Bible speaks of on Holy Week. The cost is $3,600 per person, it is more than usual but there is a $500 surtax and everything is more expensive than usual. If you are interested please call the rectory at 358-2112. We need twenty people to make this pilgrimage possible. The next meeting is November 16th at 1:00 PM

You’re Invited

A Chicken and Dumpling & Ham Dinner will be held at St. Stephen Church, 11514 State Highway A, Richwoods, MO 63071, On Sunday, November 23, 2008, from 11:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. The dinner is on of the main fundraisers of the parish.

Dinners will cost $7.50 for adults, $3.00 for children ages 6 to 12, (children under 6 are free.)

Featured will be a November Quilt Raffle Drawing, Pot-Shot cards, 50/50 drawings, a Religious Goods Booth, a Jewelry Booth, and a Christmas Booth. Also featured will be a raffle for a hand quilted "throw" for readers and T.V. watchers. Bardenheier’s Restaurant and Winery, of Richwoods, MO, will provide a free wine and cheese tasting for those attending the Dinner.

St. Stephen is located off Highway 47, between St. Clair and Old Mines, Missouri, on Hwy. A, just 1.6 miles west of the intersection of Hwy. 47, and Highways H & A. For more information, Call 573-678-2207, 573-678-2203 or 636-586-1464.

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Bingo figures from November 6, 2008
Gross Receipts -$1,406.60 Players –107
Workers for Nov. 20th: Team # 2: St. Anne Parish

E-Mail Your Prayer Requests!

Mail your Church Donations to this adresss or call!

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