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E-Mail Your Prayer Requests!

Founded in 1827

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Mass Intentions

\For The Week of

Sunday August 15 2010

Mon. 16 8:00 a.m. H. Hazelwounder
Tue. 17 8:00 a.m. Dorothy Daugherty
Wed. 18 8:00 a.m. R. & V. VivRett
Thu. 19 8:00 a.m. Anna Frazier
Fri. 20 8:00 a.m. Herb Schwarz
Sat. 21 5:00 p.m. Casey Gamblin
Sun. 22 7:00 a.m. Jack Williamson
(SA) 8:30 a.m. Pro Populo
10:00 a.m. Loretta Politte



Lector-------------------------------Patti Norton
Sp. Min.----------------------------Ken Dalaviras, Fred Sewald
Servers-----------------------------Robby & Ryan Basden
Ushers------------------------------Marie Saunders , H. Beasley, J. Rosener , Nib Steiniger
Cross Bearer----------------------Layne Stotler


Lector-------------------------------Jim AuBuchon
Sp. Min. ----------------------------Tom Willette
John Groboski
Servers------------------------------Theresa & Deb Pace
Ushers------------------------------Fred Schnable
Cross Bearer----------------------BettyRay Novotny

SUNDAY MASS: AUG. 22 AT 10:00 A.M.

Lector-------------------------------Sharon Gifford
Sp. Min.----------------------------Marcy Mueller, Sharon House, Carol Inman
Servers----------------------------- Taylor Byington, Jax Byington
Ushers------------------------------Charles & Bill Farr, R. Seal, L. Hoelzel
Cross Bearer---------------------- Tyler Hambrick

ST. ANNE MASS: AUG. 22 AT 8:30 A.M.

Lector-------------------------------Mary Lou Basler
Sp. Min. --------------------------. Mondello, R. Basler, Pam Brickler
Servers------------------------------ Eli Govero
Megan Filer
Gift Bearers------------------------ M/M Victor Bender
Cross Bearer----------------------- Andrew Filer

School News

Our St. Joseph School will open on Wednesday, August 18thwith an early dismissal at 11:30 a.m. We have a few openings in some of the grades. Please call the school at 358-5947 as soon as possible if you would like to enroll your child.

Our St. Joseph Catholic School is a vibrant center of faith and learning committed to excellence and to holiness.

Washer Tournament

The St. Agnes Parish of Bloomsdale, Mo will host a washer and horseshoe tournament with an outside dance and beer garden on August 28th at the K of C Hall in Bloomsdale. Mass will be celebrated at 5:00 p.m. and a BBQ pork steak dinner will be served at 6:00 p.m. Please call 573-483-9505 to pre-register or for more details.

Help Needed!

Please call the Parish Office if you are able to help our ushers at the 7:00 a.m. Mass on Sunday.

Envelopes $ 4,952.00 $ 978.00
Loose 178.00 87.75
St. Vincent 192.00 55.00
Youth 2.00 -0-
Building 72.00 5.00
School 49.00 -0-
Votive 41.00 -0-
Adopt an Angel 31.00 -0-
Assumption 41.00 -0-
Latin America Apost. 155.00 -0-
Festival Dinner - 2nd Sunday Coll. 55.00 -0-

August 16: Team #3
August 20: Becky O’Neill (Week 2)


What is Stewardship?

"If anyone wishes to be first, he shall be the last of all and the servant of all." - Mark 9:35

Throughout the Gospels, Jesus teaches us through His words and through His life that we are called to serve one another. We can serve through our sacrifices of time, talent and treasure. Sacrifice is not a word that many people like to hear. We think it means that we must give up something that we want. However, the literal meaning of sacrifice is "to make holy". In other words, we make our lives holy by giving up some of our time, talent and treasure in the service of God and His Church.


Assumption of the

Blessed Virgin Mary

Today we celebrate the Feast of the Assumption which celebrates both the happy departure of  Mary from this life by her natural death, and her assumption bodily into heaven.

"We may be sure of it: from on high, Mary follows our footsteps with gentle concern, dispels the gloom in moments of darkness and distress, and reassures us with her motherly hand. Supported by awareness of this, let us continue confidently on our path of Christian commitment wherever Providence may lead us. Let us forge ahead in our lives under Mary’s guidance". Pope Benedict XVI


Protecting God’s Children

All volunteers and employees who work with children at St. Joseph Parish must be in full compliance with the Safe Environment Program. This includes attending a Protecting God’s Children workshop, undergoing a background check updated in even-numbered years, having an FBI fingerprint check if you have lived outside of Missouri within the past five years, and signing the Code of Ethical Conduct.

These requirements are mandated by the U.S. Council of Catholic Bishops and are followed by every diocese in the country. The policies are the Church’s attempt to ensure the suitability of all adults who work or volunteer around your children. If you have any questions about your compliance, please contact our Parish Child Safety Coordinator Char Gestring at 358-2112.

66thAnnual St. Joseph Festival
September 19, 2010
"The Only Missing Piece is You!"

Please sign up to help at our Festival. There are some additional volunteer sign up sheets in the back of Church. All we need is your name and telephone number. You may drop it in the collection basket or drop it off at the Parish Office.


Festival Dinner

In order to help defray the cost of the beef and chicken for the dinner ($2,300 for the year 2009), we are trying another way to cut down these expenses and therefore have more profit for our school. To date we have collected approximately $900. If you are not able to work or come to our Festival this year, please consider making a donation by using the "Festival Dinner" envelope in your packet or you may use a butterfly envelope and mark it "Festival Dinner". Your prayers and generosity are appreciated.

Treasure Basket

Treasures needed! If you are able to donate any of the items on the list in the Church foyer, please call Paula Pace at 573-358-5323 or 573-330-9416.

Country Store/Flea Market

We are now accepting small items for our Flea Market such as CD’s, DVD’s, DVD players, books, lotions, candles, tools, etc. You may bring these items to the Church Hall or call Janie McCormick at (760) 877-7590 for pick up.

The folks at our Country Store would greatly appreciate your donations of homemade pies, cookies, brownies, cupcakes and cakes. Home canned jams, jellies, vegetables and homegrown fruits or vegetables are also very popular items. Please bring these donations the morning of  the Festival or call Janie for pick up.

Please Support Our
Bulletin Advertisers

We greatly appreciate the continued support of the advertisers who have renewed their ads and we welcome our new advertisers. Please thank them and let them know you saw their ad.


Bingo figures from August 5, 2010:
Gross Receipts: $1,379.25
Players: 91
Workers for Aug. 19 - Team # – 2
– St. Anne

E-Mail Your Prayer Requests!

Mail your Church Donations to this adresss or call!

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