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E-Mail Your Prayer Requests!

Founded in 1827

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Mass Intentions

\For The Week of

Sunday August 1 2010

Mon. 02 8:00 a.m. Al Nash
Tue. 03 8:00 a.m. Walther Family
Wed. 04 8:00 a.m. Communion Service
Thu. 05 8:00 a.m. Communion Service
Fri. 06 8:00 a.m. Communion Service
Sat. 07 5:00 p.m. Bob Rapp
Sun. 08 7:00 a.m. A. & C. Vargo
(SA) 8:30 a.m. James Brawley
10:00 a.m. Joe Layden



Lector-------------------------------Patti Norton

Sp. Min.----------------------------Ken Dalaviras, Fred Sewald
Servers------------------------------Robby & Ryan Basden
Ushers------------------------------Marie Saunders, H. Beasley, J. Rosener ,Nib Steiniger
Cross Bearer-----------------------Layne Stotler


Lector-------------------------------Jim AuBuchon
Sp. Min. ----------------------------Tom Willette
John Groboski
Servers------------------------------Theresa & Deb Pace
Ushers------------------------------Fred Schnable
Cross Bearer-----------------------BettyRay Novotny

SUNDAY MASS: AUG. 08 AT 10:00 A.M.

Lector-------------------------------Sharon Gifford
Sp. Min.----------------------------Marcy Mueller, Sharon House, Carol Inman
Servers------------------------------ Taylor Byington, Jax Byington
Ushers------------------------------Charles & Bill Farr, R. Seal, L. Hoelzel
Cross Bearer----------------------- Tyler Hambrick

ST. ANNE MASS: AUG. 08 AT 8:30 A.M.

Lector-------------------------------Mary Lou Basler
Sp. Min. ----------------------------J. Mondello, R. Basler, Pam Brickler Servers------------------------------ Eli Govero
Megan Filer
Gift Bearers------------------------ M/M Ron Byington
Cross Bearer----------------------- Andrew Filer

Would You Like to Help the
St. Joseph Annual Golf Tournament?

The St. Joseph Eighteenth Annual Golf
Tournament will be held on Friday, August 13th. If you can’t play, you can still help by sponsoring a team or by coming to the Dinner Auction. You may also sponsor a hole in the name of your family, friends, or business for a mere $50.

We are in need of auction items. We could use baskets and items to fill the baskets. Any and all new items, gift certificates, etc. will be greatly appreciated. Please call the Parish Office at 573.358.2112.Remember this is a big help to St. Joseph School.

Eucharistic Adoration

The celebration of the Eucharistic Adoration will begin at 8:30 a.m. on Friday, August 6th, and conclude with the Benediction at 5:00 p.m.

Festival – Children’s Crafts
The Children’s Crafts booth at the Festival will need small jars and individual size clear water bottles – caps would be great. Thank you for your help – Patricia Murphy.


Envelopes $ 2,675.00 $ 551.00
Loose 142.00 85.00 St.
Vincent 80.00 22.00
Youth 4.00 -0-
Building 47.00 20.00
School 50.00 -0-
Votive 112.00 11.00
Adopt an Angel 15.00 -0-


You are invited to come and enjoy fellowship along with the coffee, donuts and orange juice this morning after our 8:30 a.m. Mass.

What is Stewardship?
Stewardship is a way of life. It is a way of living each day in gratitude for all the blessings that God has given to us. The roots of stewardship can be found in the Bible, which tells us over and over that God is the Creator and Giver of all gifts. It is our responsibility to show our gratitude to God for these gifts, by giving back to Him the “first fruits”.

Sharing our gifts and returning them to God means giving generously of our time, talent and treasure. We give to God by sharing with our Church and with those in need. Time and talent can be shared by becoming involved in parish life, volunteering and offering a helping hand.

Treasure can be shared by making a conscious effort to make a financial gift to God first, before we pay the bills and buy the things we want. When we give to God first we are making a gift of faith, trusting that God will provide for our needs. We are truly giving Him the “first fruits” just as God asked us to do in the Bible.

Daughters of Isabella
Thank you to the Daughters of Isabella who baked and served desserts at the Big River Chautauqua. We sold all of our desserts! A big thank you from Pat Schwarz, our Chairman, for your help.

Latin America Apostolate
Today, August 1, a special collection will be taken up for the Latin America Apostolate of the Archdiocese of St. Louis. This collection is the only source of funding for our three Priests who presently serve in Bolivia. Other than Haiti, Bolivia is the poorest country in the Western hemisphere. Our Priest Missionaries depend on us so that their missionary work may continue. Please support Bishop Casey, Father Hayden and Father Michler and the people of Bolivia whom they serve, thanks to our donations.

66th Annual St. Joseph Festival
September 19, 2010

We will have a special collection today to help defray the expense of the Festival Dinner. Please use the “Festival Dinner” envelope provided in your monthly packet. If you did not receive this envelope, you may use a butterfly envelope and mark it “Festival Dinner”. Thank you for your offering and your prayers for the success of our festival.

Parish Mission
“The Privilege of Being Catholic”

The Parishes of St. Joseph and St. Anne welcome Father Oscar Lukefahr, C.M. who will present a Parish Mission. Father Oscar Lukefahr, with more than forty years experience as a religious educator, is one of America’s most popular interpreters of the Catholic faith. He is the author of numerous books, preaches parish missions, and is dedicated to helping Catholics develop a clear understanding of their faith in an interesting and enjoyable manner.

Our Parish Mission will be held at St. Joseph Church December 4 through December 9, 2010. For more details, please call 358-2112 or visit
We invite everyone to attend and ask for your prayers for the success of this mission.

Happy Birthday
Please wish Merlin Schneider a very happy 90th birthday on August 2nd!

Protecting God’s Children
A Protecting God’s Children workshop will be held at Immaculate Conception Church, Park Hills, on August 22, 2010 at 1:00 p.m. Deacon Mike Burch will present the workshop in the parish hall. Any adult who intends to volunteer in parish activities or ministries that include children must be in full compliance with the Safe Environment Program of the Archdiocese of St. Louis. Attendance at a Protecting God’s Children workshop is required. Registration is encouraged but not required; walk-ins are welcome. Please call 573-431-2427 to register.

bingo_clipart.jpg (25411 bytes)

Bingo figures from July 23, 2010:
Gross Receipts: $1,917.00
Players: 96
Workers for Aug. 5 - Team #4 – St
. Joseph


August 2: Team #1
August 6: Deborah & Ron AuBuchon (Week 2)

A special thanks to our faithful volunteers who clean our Church every week. Please call the Parish office at 358-2112 if you are able to help

E-Mail Your Prayer Requests!

Mail your Church Donations to this adresss or call!

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