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E-Mail Your Prayer Requests!

Founded in 1827

Mail your Church Donations to this adresss or call!













Mass Intentions

For The Week of
July 26, 2009

Mon. 27 8:00 a.m. P. & C. AuBuchon
Tue. 28 8:00 a.m. Betty Hill
Wed. 29 8:00 a.m. Larry O’Neill
Thu. 30 8:00 a.m. Robert & Jo Monroe
Fri. 31 8:00 a.m. Fred Bach
Sat. 01 5:00 p.m. Bernard Vallo
Sun. 02 7:00 a.m. Lucille AuBuchon
(SA) 8:30 a.m. M. & E. Filer
10:00 a.m. Tom Scothorn



Lector-------------------------------Patti Norton
Sp. Min.---------------------------Ken Dalaviras
Fred Sewald
Servers------------------------------ Robby Basden, Ryan Basden
Ushers-----------------------------H. Beasley, J. Rosener , Marie Saunders, Nib Steiniger
Crossbearer----------------------Layne Stotler


Lector-------------------------------Paula Pace
Sp. Min. ----------------------------P. Vessel & T. Willette
Servers------------------------------Theresa & Deb Pace
Ushers------------------------------Tom Willette
F. Kaufmann, Anon.
Crossbearer-----------------------BettyRay Novotny

SUNDAY MASS: AUG. 02 AT 10:00 A.M.

Lector-------------------------------Paulette Degonia
Sp. Min.----------------------------Sharon House
C. Inman, M. Mueller
Servers-----------------------------Taylor Byington, Madison Weiss
Ushers------------------------------Roland Seal
Bill & Charles Farr, Lindell Hoelzel
Crossbearer-----------------------Holly Yoder

ST. ANNE MASS: AUG. 02 AT 8:30 A.M.

Lector------------------------------Ron Schmidt
Sp. Min. ----------------------------V. Bender, Ray Pope, Mary F. Rempe
Servers------------------------------A. Criter, A. Jansen
Gift Bearers------------------------M/M Dave Brickler
Crossbearer------------------------Bethany Govero

School News

We are currently accepting registration for the fall school year 2009/2010. The registration fee is $75.00 for kindergarten through 6th grade. The annual Catholic family rate is $3,100.00 per year, payable by MasterCard/Visa, cash or check.

There are openings available in all grades kinder-garten through 6th grade. There is a waiting list for pre-school.

School will start Wednesday, August 19, 2009. Please feel free to contact the school for further information at 573-358-5947.


Benefit Golf Tournament

Make your reservation! The St. Joseph’s Seventeenth Annual Benefit Golf Tournament will be held this year on Friday, August 21, 2009. Terre du Lac Golf Course will host the 4 person scramble – flighted tournament. Tee time will be 1:00 p.m. Price includes cart, green fees, refreshments and dinner at the Terre du Lac Pavilion.

Please call Dude Pratte at 573-358-2555 or Butch Miles at 573-562-7430 if you need more info.


           ST. JOSEPH-ST. ANNE
Envelopes $3,869.00 $ 625.00
Loose 398.22 61.00
Youth 5 .25 -0-
St. Vincent 340.00 110.00
Building 32.00 10.00
School 245.00 -0-
Adopt An Angel 45.00 10.00
Votive 61.00 -0-
Missionary Appeal 1,860.04 231.00


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July 27: Team #4
July 31: Mary Clancy (Week 2)



A Message for All Ages

Here are just a few recommendations included in the U.S. Catholic Bishops’ message:

Choose a time every day for prayer, by yourself or perhaps in front of the Blessed Sacrament.

Find the time that seems most sacred for you, and take that time to spend alone with God.

If possible, attend the Eucharist more than once a week. Trust us! God is always there, waiting to hear from you and wanting you to know of His unconditional love for you.

Seize every opportunity to show God’s love through your random acts of kindness: an encouraging word, a pat on the back, a helpful hand.

Be present to the people in your life, especially your family. Offer to help. Practice saying "yes".

Seek opportunities to participate in your parish or faith community as a greeter, altar server, lector, extraordinary minister of Holy Communion or assistant in the religious education department.

Decide to give a certain percentage of money to your parish each week. As you live with this decision, you will grow into a lifelong habit of generosity.

We will observe the celebration of Stewardship Awareness during the weekends of August 8-9 and August 15-16 this year. Your Personal Intention Cards for Stewardship have been mailed.

Latin America Apostolate

On Sunday, August 2, the collection will be taken for the support of the Latin America Apostolate of the Archdiocese of St. Louis. This collection supports the presence of our St. Louis Priest Missionaries in Bolivia. Bolivia continues to suffer from a severe shortage of native Priests. In St. Louis we have roughly 1 Priest for each 2,000 Catholics. In Bolivia, the ratio is 1 Priest for each 20,000 Catholics. Our Priest Missionaries are helping to train native Priests in Bolivia. In addition, they proclaim the Gospel, celebrate the sacraments, and offer pastoral care to their parishioners.

Our Missionaries can only do what WE make possible through our prayers and sacrifices. Please be generous in the collection next Sunday.

September 20, 2009

The picnic is just around the corner and the Country Store will open its doors this year with a few changes. We will have a Silent Auction and raffle off a grocery cart full of food. Donations of homemade jams, jellies, and breads; flowers; fresh vegetables; quilts; fancy work, etc. will be much appreciated. We will also be making small and large size baskets of shampoos, lotions, personal care items, kitchen items, picnic items, etc. for sale. If you can donate any of these items and/or small or laundry size baskets, please call Janet Mecey at 358-0684 or Ruth Hunt at 358-3733. **Festival Meeting**

**Festival Meeting**

Please mark your calendar! There will be a Festival Meeting Tuesday, July 28, at 7:00 p.m. for all captains and interested parties. 2009 Friends for Life

2009 Friends for Life

Envelopes are available this weekend for the annual “Friends for Life” Patron Drive. Thank you for your faithful and generous support of the spiritual, educational, public policy and pastoral programs and outreach campaigns of the Respect Life Apostolate. Laity and Family Life

Laity and Family Life

Dr. Richard Johnson will present the program, “Ginger Snaps and Sandal Straps: Leaving a Legacy of Faith for Your Loved Ones” at the Cardinal Rigali Center on August 20, 2009. This seminar is designed to help maturing adults discover the fingerprints of God in their lives, capture the memories, and tell their story to loved ones. Please call 314-792-7183 for more details. Vacation Mass Schedules

Vacation Mass Schedules

Log onto or access the website for a Mass guide while traveling in state. Mass Times provides a link through   for a schedule of Masses available for vacationers traveling out of state. St. Joseph Gift Shop

The Gift Shop is open before and after the 10:00 a.m. Mass every Sunday.

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Bingo figures from July 16, 2009:
Gross Receipts: $1,405.00
Players: 91
Workers for July 30 -
Team #2 - St. Anne

Thanks to everyone for your help and support.

E-Mail Your Prayer Requests!

Mail your Church Donations to this adresss or call!

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