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E-Mail Your Prayer Requests!

Founded in 1827

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Mass Intentions
For The Week of

Sunday July 1, 2007

Mon.02 8:00 a.m. Bev Dalaviras
Tue. 03 8:00 a.m. Shirley Boyle
Wed.04 8:00 a.m. Purgatorial Society
Thu. 05 8:00 a.m. Mothers Remembered
Fri. 06 8:00 a.m. Fathers Remembered
Sat. 07 5:00 p.m. Alma Boehle
Dorothy Daugherty
Sun. 08 7:00 a.m. Bernard Vallo
(SA) 8:30 a.m. Mario Mondello
10:00a.m. Dr. Td Mueller


SAT.MASS: July 07 AT 5:00 P.M.

Lector----------------------- F. Haug
Sp. Min.---------------------M. Ferraro, C. Cash
Servers----------------------M. Patt, K. Lewis-Foot
Ushers-----------------------J. Sale, H. Beasley, N. Steiniger, L. Willey
Cross Bearer--------------- Merlin Schneider

SUNDAY MASS: July 08 7:00 AM

Lector----------------------- J. Smith
Sp. Min.-------------------- C. Dodson, D. Schnable
Servers----------------------T. Pace, T. Leonard
Ushers-----------------------R. Dodson, D. Gosling, F. Schnable, L. Smith
Cross Bearer---------------Joseph Naused

SUNDAY MASS July 08 10:00 AM

Lector----------------------- R. Seal
Sp. Min.-------------------- B. & L. Graczyk Servers-------------------- C. Chastain, B. Willette
Ushers---------------------- R. Culton, L.Hoelzel, M. Lukachick, J. Akins
Cross Bearer------------- Herman Donnelli

ST. ANNE MASS July 01 8:30 AM

Lector----------------------- Tricia Sanders
Sp. Min.---------------------Pam Brickler,
Victor Bender
Servers---------------------- Russell Basler, Janet Mecey
Gift Bearers------------ Roger & Ginny Cortivo

Our Lady Sodality

Our next regular meeting will be Tuesday, July 10th at noon. We will meet in the church hall. Please bring a brown bag lunch. Dessert and drinks will be provided.

The school is in need of a statue of the Blessed Mother. We have agreed to help purchase this statue. We will have a "BAKE SALE" on the weekend of July 14 & 15th to raise the money for this project.

God’s Lifesavers

Thank you to all who responded to the recent Diaper Drive sponsored by God’s Lifesavers. A total of 4,403 diapers were received from the following: Wal Mart, United Steel Workers Glass Factory, Trinity Lutheran Church, (Park Hills and Fredericktown) Harvester Christian Church, (Park Hills) First Baptist Church, (Bonne Terre) Country Mart, (Bonne Terre and Park Hills), Sav-A-Lot, (Park Hills), St. Joseph Church, St. Anne Church (French Village), and Immaculate Conception Church, St. John the Apostle Church. A few miscellaneous baby items were also received. The various agencies who provide assistance to the needy of the area who will be recipients of these items are: East Missouri Action Agency, (Fredericktown) Birthright, (Hillsboro) St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantries, (Bonne Terre and Park Hills) Parkland Pregnancy Resource Center, Nurses for Newborn and New Way Shelter. On behalf of these agencies, thank you again, for your caring concern!

The next meeting of God’s Lifesavers is July 8, at 2:00PM at Immaculate Conception Church, Park Hills. You and invited guests are always welcome to attend.

                ST. JOSEPH-ST. ANNE

Envelopes $3,434.00 $1,100.00
Loose 301.00 31.19
Youth 2.00 -0-
St. Vincent 156..00 20.00
School 43.00 -0-
Building 03.00 10.00A
dopt An Angel 35.00 10.00
Fathers Day. 20.00 20.00
Candles  82.00 36.00


Please remember that a "Suggestion Box" is placed in the back of church. The Parish Council welcomes any and all suggestions. Helpful hints that you have will help St. Anne continue to move forward.

Join Us for the Rosary

The Blessed Mother is still calling out to all of us. Please pray for world peace. The rosary is both meditation and supplication. Insistent prayer to the Mother of God is based on confidence that her maternal intercession can obtain all things from the heart of her Son.

We ask you to join us in saying the rosary after Mass on Thursday and Friday mornings.

Wake up and Smell the CAFÉ!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007, 7-10PM Cardinal Rigali Center, 20 Archbishop May Dr., St. Louis, Mo.

Make your reservation now for a 3- hour workshop on how to put more power in your paycheck! The $99.00 family membership in Community Association for Financial Education (CAFÉ) entitles you and all over 13 yrs. old in your family to attend a workshop, have a complimentary written personal finance plan with action steps to achieve your personal goals and a complimentary professional consultation regarding wills, trusts etc. Call John Ferrara at 314-221-3480. Registration is necessary.

Peter’s Pence Collection

The theme for the 2007 Peter’s Pence Collection for the works of the Holy Father is LET US MAKE SURE THAT NONE OF GOD’S CHILDREN EVER FEELS ALONE. The theme is based on a homily given by Pope Benedict XVI in September 2006, when the Pope explained how those who are baptized create one family of believers who are never alone. Please pray for the Holy Father, asking God’s blessing on his mission of justice and peace for all.

A second collection will be taken us this weekend at all the Masses. Please be generous. Your help is greatly appreciated.


Prayer for Freedom

Dear Lord,

So many today misunderstand freedom
Believing that it is the ability to do whatever we want.Help us always to remember, true freedom, is being able to do what we ought to do.That freedom, true freedom,is not indulging our every want and whim,but instead is the ability to rise above any desires that are wrong, disordered, dangerous or excessive. Give us the grace always to remember that true freedom makes us the people you wish us to be, that true freedom brings us closer to you, and reshapes our world in the likeness of your kingdom.


In Observance of the Holiday

The Parish Office will be closed on Wednesday, July 4th in observance of the holiday. The office will reopen on Thursday morning at 8:00am.

St. Joseph Cemetery

On July 4th decorations may be placed on the graves and left there for a period of one week following the holiday. After a week any decorations left on the grave sites will be removed. Glass or metal containers are never allowed in the cemetery.

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July 02: Team # 1
July 06: C. Inman, M. AuBuchon
(Week 2)

bingo_clipart.jpg (25411 bytes)

Bingo Figures for June 21, 2007
Gross Income - $2,211.25
Players - 97
Workers for July 05:
Team # 5 – St. Joseph Parish

E-Mail Your Prayer Requests!

Mail your Church Donations to this adresss or call!

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