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Saint Anne Church Homepage

Saint Anne Church Homepage

Sunday February 17th, 2002

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Mon. 18 8:00a.m. Andrew Aubuchon,
Bryan Maness
Tue. 19 8:00a.m. Purgatorial Society
Wed.20 8:00a.m. Sophia & Alex
Schneider, Rosamond Moore (Sp. Int.)
Thu. 21 8:00a.m. Ed Sisson
Fri. 22 8:00a.m. Helen Straub
Sat. 23 4:00p.m. Chuck Williams
Sun. 24 7:00a.m. Pro Popula
(SA) 8:30a.m. Kenneth Wagner
10:00a.m. Doris J. Williams


SATURDAY MASS: Feb. 23 at 4:00P.M.

Lector--------------------------J. Smythe
Sp. Min.----------------------- R. Heine,
K. Dalavirus
Servers------------------------ S. Graczyk,
J. Kimes
Ushers-------------------------N. Barsha,
J. Rokan, R. Daughtery


Lector---------------------------D. Pace
Sp. Min.------------------------P. Pace,
T. Willette
Servers-------------------------L. & A. Naused
Ushers--------------------------F. Carducci, L. Zinn


Lector---------------------------R. Woody
Sp. Min.------------------------J. Goeke,
C. Brewer. M. Kessler©
Servers--------------------------N. Farrell,
C. Chastain
Ushers---------------------------A. Baker,
J. Akins, B. Crosswhite, J. Krus

ST. ANNE MASS: FEB. 24 AT 8:30A.M.

Lector--------------------------D. Schmitt
Sp. Min.------------------------L. Crow,
Ed & Elsie Zellner
Servers--------------------------C. Schmidt,
I. Smith, C. Carron

Lent originated as the time of final preparation for the baptism of adult converts, which would take place during the Easter Vigil service on Holy Saturday night. Lent can be a time for us to reflect on our own baptism, whenever and wherever it was. We think about the promises we made, or our sponsors made in our name, to reject Satan and his allurements. The threefold Lenten practices help us keep our baptismal promises. The Lenten practices are Prayer, penance, almsgiving.

PRAYER: Stations of the Cross will be said immediately following the 8:00a.m. Mass on Wednesday and Friday (School Children Day) during Lent. Renew 2002 will be held on Tuesday following Mass led by Father John and Deacon Ron. A group, led by Louise Sickman, will meet on Tuesday morning following Mass in the Church meeting room. First Friday Adoration has many time slots available for personal prayer, also.

PENANCE: A self-sacrifice of your own choosing has always been recommended, in addition the Church’s prescribed Penance of fast and abstinence is on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday.

ALMSGIVING: As the Church focuses on the worldwide problem of hunger-encouraging us to open our hearts and respond in charity to our brothers and sisters in need, we are providing Rice Bowls, again, this year, for your personal sacrifices. They can be picked up at the entrances to church. They will be collected at the end of Lent and the money will go to Catholic Relief Services 

Bingo Figures for Feb. 5, 2002
Gross Profits $1862.00
114 Players
Workers for Feb.19 Team #1

French Village, Mo.
PENANCE SERVICE: March 17, following Mass.

LITTLE ROCK SCRIPTURE GROUP: We would like to invite the people of St. Joseph and St. Anne Parish to join us in studying the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. We will meet every Sunday evening for the next six weeks beginning at 6:00p.m. in the Church Hall. It would be nice to make every session but if you can only attend one or two sessions, please feel free to come.

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22: The K of C Lenten Fish Fry will be held in our Church Hall. Serving time will be from 3:30p.m.til 6:30p.m. Adults $6.50, Children $3.00. Carry-outs are available. This year we will feature Jack Salmon, Cod and, new to the menu, Catfish Fillets. The parents of the children of St. Joseph School, at the suggestion of the Home and School Association, have been asked to provide desserts and help to clean up each Friday. Anyone is welcome to bring a delicious dessert. We can never have to many! The Home and School Association have asked Jeanette Curtis, Kathy Ford, Michelle Arnold, Rachel Lewis, Dale & Tami Mason, Edward & Lisa Murphey, John & Tina Pace, Mike & Angie Patt, and Chris & Terri Willette to represent their children this week to work at the Fish Fry. 

Who likes to ask for money? How many dread the hostile or numbed reaction at the mention of this unpleasant subject? It seems so unspiritual, and so materialistic.

Interestingly, Jesus was not reluctant to talk about money. Over half of his parables concern money or other possessions. Jesus knew that few things reveal more about our spiritual condition than what we do with our money. A wise priest once said: "Show me a man’s checkbook, and I’ll tell you a good deal about the state of his soul." Is this any different from what Jesus himself said? "Where your treasure is, there your heart is also."

We dread talking about money because so much of what we have heard on this subject has been bad news. Is there any way we can give people good news about money? There is-if we all think about Stewardship. This will require a radical shift in our thinking and approach. When we give out of our gratitude we give what God really wants-ourselves. There is joy in this approach.

I would like to thank all of those kind and good people from St. Anne and St. Joseph who have already started relating to Stewardship. We received a number of volunteers from people who responded on the spur of the moment to make the telephone calls at the end of the month. If all of us respond as well to the signing of our pledge cards there will be few calls to make.

Yours in Christ,

Father John

St. Joseph-St. Anne
Envelopes $2687.00 $456.00
Loose 156.21 23.00
Children’s Env. .50
Central & Eastern
Europe 628.95 150.00


For a brief history about President’s Day search our website at: www.PresidentsDay.MustBeHere.com


When we listen to our conscience and prayerfully reflect on the Scriptures and the teachings of the Church, we hear the Holy Spirit speaking to us and guiding us in the stillness of our hearts. When we follow the guidance of the Spirit, we are "coming to our senses"

Don’t miss this special opportunity to learn and to share your faith with others. You are invited to join the group meeting in the Church Meeting Room or upstairs in the Church on Tuesday morning immediately after Mass.

The seminarians, faculty and staff of Kenrick-Glennon Seminary thank you for your generous support of the annual Christmas Collection. Your gifts are appreciated and they help to make possible our program of priestly formation. Please continue to pray for the Seminarians at Kenrick-Glennon Seminary as we work to educate the young men who will serve as your priest in the coming years.

Kenrick-Glennon Seminary

Today, there will be a special collection for the Black and Indian Missions. This collection assists with the work of evangelization in African American and American Indian communities. Please respond according to the blessings you have received.


February 22 F. Gosling, R. Culton
February 25 Team # 4


February 23 A. Mosberger, B. O’Neill


As we go about our daily chores please let us remember to pray for those less fortunate than ourselves, pray for those Catholics that have fallen away, and pray for conversions as requested by Our Blessed Mother in her apparitions at Meddjugorje. Let us also pray for the quick return to our Parish family of Elmer Deterding, Dave Knotts, Dorothy DeManuele and Carol Williams. Let us not forget to continue to pray for long time parishioner Lorraine Blankenship and Evelyn Murphy.


St. Joseph Quilters have been a part of St. Joseph Parish since 1929 according to Anna Holdman. She began at that time and quilted until she was over ninety one years old. Our Lady Quilters have used their golden needles on many quilts. They have worked in the old Rectory, the School and the large part of the Church Hall. They now meet on Thursday, in the Church Meeting Room, from 9:00a.m.until 2:00p.m. They bring a sack lunch and as they will tell you" This is their day of recreation." It may be fun for them but they are also a vital part of St. Joseph Parish. Since they have begun all the monies that they have generated have been returned to St. Joseph Parish. Over the years they have provided the monies to help with the kneelers, tables for the restoration of the kitchen, Servers garments, the Cope used by Father at Benediction, and restoration of the Statues, just to mention a few. Each year they donate a quilt for the Festival raffle and one for the School Auction. At one time we had fourteen ladies giving of their talent. Through the years we have lost many. We now have only five that continue to quilt. They are Rita Vallo, Rose AuBuchon, Jean Bach, LaVena Naeger and Louise Sickman. There is a need to help continue this valuable talent. You will soon receive your Stewardship Intention Card. I f you would like to learn from these ladies an art that is slowly disappearing, please sign the card and call Jean Bach at 358-3625.




The Church Hall Committee has donated the remainder of their funds that were raised to refurbish the Parish kitchen. Their work is finished at this point and the money will be used to restore a statue in the Church.

Over the years, through the hard work of this ADHOC committee the kitchen has been redone. Without their fund raising efforts, we would not have been able to modernize the kitchen that we all use for Parish functions. The Health Inspector has visited us and we received an A Plus Rating.

Many thanks to all the folks who did such a wonderful job. They have folded their tents and gone away waiting for the Pastor to come up with another challenge.


Our Lord’s invitation to love God and our neighbor can be expressed in many ways. One very real and effective way is by making a generous gift to the Archdiocesan Development Appeal (ADA). In fact, your year-long pledge helps the ADA meet the needs of more than 600,000 people in St. Louis and 10 surrounding counties throughout the year. This year, consider joining the Associates of the Archbishop at the $1000 level. Did you know? The ADA helps 65 parish elementary schools with the Parish Teacher Salary Assistance Program including our own St. Joseph School.


Last week, the Chairman of the Finance Committee and myself attended a meeting headed by the Managing Director-Internal Audit of the Archdiocese. We were told effective immediately that every checking account that uses the name of the Parish and uses our Federal ID number must have all their bank statements sent to the Parish and have their accounts run through our Parish books. I will be contacting each committee head to make sure that we are in compliance with the Archdiocesan Directive that was established by Archbishop Justin Rigali on March 29, 2000.

Father John

To date we have 36 Children enrolled in St. Joseph School
For the School year 2002-2003 including 6 for pre-school. This year we have 42 enrolled including 12 for pre-school. We have enough room for 15 additional students. We could accommodate ten students in grades 1 through 5 and five in pre-school. If you know anyone who would be interested in sending their child to St. Joseph School, please call 358-5947.

Please welcome to our parish family Olivia Marie Reuter. May God bless her on her pilgrimage of faith and may her family continue to lead her and be a witness to God’s love.


Please remember to drop your Festival Theme in the collection boxes provided in Church. If you forgot to bring it with you today than please call the Rectory at 358-2112. We will be happy to enter your Festival Theme . The final decision will be made on March 1st. GOOD LUCK!

Remember to mark your calendar for June 23rd.

E-Mail Your Prayer Requests!

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